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Math is all around us! From buying/selling to doubling a recipe to estimating a distance or how much longer a trip will take, we use math every day. Yet for many people, there's a pervasive myth that you're either "good at math" or "bad at math" — that it's a talent you're born with, not a skill you can grow and develop with practice.

Making children enjoy math is a hassle for most parents. Right? Math is a subject that requires a lot of brainpower to focus and pay attention, which can seem like hard work. Being knowledgeable in math is critical to surviving in today or at least to solve everyday problems like when shopping, cooking, and doing other daily tasks. Non-math careers also require sharp analytic reasoning skills making math an indispensable subject. Fortunately, parents can do something about it while their kids are still young. To help your own little kid excel in Math, there's no better way than by providing them with toys and games that build math skills while bringing the play back into numbers.

Children are more likely to learn math principles more effectively when surrounded by relevant concepts. Besides, young boys and girls are more receptive when a subject is associated with play than work. Learning numbers are the foundation for a successful start in mathematics. Take advantage of the time when your students are young to instill a love for counting! You can do that with a little help from this Monkey Balance Cool Math Game.